
Rating By 3 Users   Downloads : 5
Price :   24.00  Shareware

Size : 0.66MB
Version : 2.5 Minor Update  

Win95 , Win98 , WinME , WinXP , Windows2000 , Windows2003 


RamActive allows your computer to run faster

With Windows there can be problems with the high demands on the computers memory. The ever increasing demand for better graphical displays, music playing and other high use puts pressure on a computers memory programs, especially with games. All leading to a snail paced computer as the memory chugs through each requirement. The slow down affecting each processes. This program aspires to remove the chaos in memory, to hold a volume of free memory to reasonable limits and to clear areas of the unused memory.

This program - program for management of memory, provides an easy way to make working on your computer faster!

With a thorough interface, allowing your applications to load faster and to be more responsive. This program makes more physical memory accessible to the system. Use This program to release a selected quantity from physical memory, when the minimum level is achieved. You can also use it to release the selected quantity. Utilising the physical memory at regular intervals, and to free the physical memory manually as if becomes necessary.

You can find some alternatives for RamActive here .


Requirements :

The 32-bit version requires Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000 or XP.


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