Ping Ball

Rating   Downloads : 126
Price :   14.95  Shareware

Size : 12.25MB
Version : 1.1 Major Update  

Win95 , Win98 , WinME , WinXP , WinNT 3.x , WinNT 4.x , Windows2000 , Windows2003 

Ping Ball

Ping Ball is a fun new arcade puzzler.

This program Development is a fun brand-new arcade puzzler for just about all the family. The theory is basic; bounce the ping golf balls around the screen by simply dropping mirrors in their particular path, and use these people to collect each of the re-writing gems and crystals about each level. Youll need to have to must make employ of the sliding glaciers, explosives and other things to navigate your approach past the slime, fireplace, mines and other dangers to each level.

There is usually an adjustable speed placing so you can pick to slow the video game play down and put emphasis on the puzzles, or perhaps speed it up to be able to require quicker reactions. Right now there is also a Kid Mode that will rest the principles for younger participants. The straightforward mouse control in addition to tutorial makes this video game very easy to grab, in addition to the entertaining non-violent game-play is suitable for just about all members of the loved ones.

This program Development features CD top quality sound clips and music. Typically the soundtrack is a blend of pop, dance, techno and drum and striper. This program s smoothly living graphics are in typically the best quality 16. 7 , 000, 000 color format. Even together with the spectacular explosions in addition to other flashy effects, This program Development will still run using more mature computers - when it was produced by a veteran game titles programmer. It comes full with 30 levels in addition to 3 bonus mini-games, as well as a fully functional stage editor that you could use to design your current own levels. The mini-games ( a blend of arcade in addition to puzzles) are unlocked by simply completing a level package, but once unlocked may be played as often since you like.

You can find some alternatives for Ping Ball here .

Ping Ball

Requirements :

P2 or greater PC


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