File Structure Grabber

Rating By 3 Users   Downloads : 15
Price :   19.95  Shareware

Size : 0.77MB
Version : 1.36 Minor Update  

WinXP , Windows2000 , Windows Vista Ultimate , Windows Vista Ultimate x64 , WinNT 4.x , Windows Vista Starter , Windows Vista Home Basic , Windows Vista Home Premium , Windows Vista Business , Windows Vista Enterprise , Windows Vista Home Basic x64 , Windows Vista Home Premium x64 , Windows Vista Business x64 , Windows Vista Enterprise x64 

File Structure Grabber

Create a copy of the file structure.

The program will create a backup of the file construction of a computer and let you to access that on every other computer with out a network connection!

Just what is it for!

Assume your colleagues cannot locate an important file any time you are away and you also do not remember typically the path with it. Use your current home computer to start the actual copy of typically the file structure of your current office computer, get the essential file and inform your fellow workers the exact path to be able to the file by telephone.

Wish to consider time to seem through your friends massive collection of media data files at home! Make a new copy of filenames inside this folder and examine them!

How does that work!

1. Start this software on the computer whoever file structure you need to clone. Click typically the "Create new" button. Identify the way to the directory whose structure should end up being cloned. Wait until typically the operations is over in addition to click on the "Save as" key to save lots of the file about any removable media.

a couple of. Start the program about any other computer working under Windows and start the previously saved record. You will see typically the exact copy of typically the entire file structure an individual selected on the very first computer.

Free lifelong improvements will free you coming from repeated payments and may surprise you with brand-new features.

You can find some alternatives for File Structure Grabber here .

File Structure Grabber

Requirements :

Nothing special required.


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