Rating   Downloads : 196
Price :   29.95  Shareware

Size : 3.37MB
Version : Major Update  

Win2000 , Win7 x32 , Win7 x64 , Win98 , WinOther , WinServer , WinVista , WinVista x64 , WinXP , Other 


Powerful animation authoring for Flash & Java

This program empowers both professionals and newbie web developers with a truly intuitive and efficient web authoring technology to create high impact selections, movies, presentations and export them as either Adobe flash movies (. swf) or Java applets.

Its so easy to use... no coding or scripting required

Installation is quick and YOU can be producing world class designs in 15 minutes! If you can use a mouse then you can develop This program designs using the point and click This program design studio on Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP. You dont need to learn a new pc language or create cryptic script files. The designer makes creating Flash™ or Java™ based animated content material a breeze. View a screen shot here

Text Effect, Menu and Switch Wizards make it just about all so easy

This program comes complete with some wizards to allow fast, easy creation of Text effects, menus and buttons.

Scene Management

This program is distinctive in its support for handled scenes. Scenes have been an integral part of the This program product architecture from day one. Quickly create links that jump from one scene to the next from menu items or buttons or from any other object.

Slide Show Capability

Mix common foreground and background layers with This program s scene management and you have an outstanding tool for creating animated slide shows. Create on the internet tutorials for your products, walk visitors through a process, provide online educational courses. With This program , everybodys an expert!

Break free of HTMLs limited capabilities

Now anyone including individuals at home, graphic artists or corporate web developers can harness the ability of Flash™ or Java™ to create incredible effects and express their creative ideas much more freely.

Sleek and stylish, Highly Optimized export documents mean Fast Download and satisfied site visitors

Some some other tools generate extremely bulking. swf files that get users on 56K modems a long time to download. This program optimizes movie files to make them smaller than normal.

You can find some alternatives for AnFX here .


Requirements :

6MB Free Disk Space


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